Karma Ayurveda Patient Rupesh Bhaghel Gandhinagar, Gujarat Review | Dr. Puneet Dhawan

Patient Rupesh Bhaghel Gandhinagar, Gujarat Review - Karma Ayurveda, Dr. Puneet Dhawan :

Friends, myself Rupesh Bhaghel and I live in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. I have crossed 60 soon and it’s time where you have to restrain yourself in several aspects so that to combat many health problem. Over the age of 60 years, people become more prone to develop many severe health problems easily. As I was on the same phase of life so how could I live healthy! Soon after that time, I started experiencing some heath problems and I became more attentive and took immediate medicines for them. Karma Ayurveda Negative Reviews scam

But I became frustrated as I was noticing no improvement even after taking treatment for a couple of weeks. In the further visit, my doctor told me to follow some medical tests to find out the actual cause of my problems. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Rupesh Bhaghel Gandhinagar, Gujarat Review, Dr. Puneet Dhawan".

When he analysed my reports, he told me with a deep sigh that my kidneys had damaged seriously. I was totally shocked to hear this but somewhere or you can say subconsciously I was ready to such bad news so I was not that much in panic. I calmly asked my doctor about the best cure for my kidney disease. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Rupesh Bhaghel Gandhinagar, Gujarat Review, Dr. Puneet Dhawan".

He ordered me to follow dialysis with some prescribed medicines in the initial phase. Simultaneously, he also told me to search for a donor that can donate one of his kidneys. I agreed but deep down somewhere there was a big NO to dialysis from my side because I knew about its side-effects. 

"Karma Ayurveda Patient Rupesh Bhaghel Gandhinagar, Gujarat Review | Dr. Puneet Dhawan"

When my family members got to know about my condition, they all become despair but I told them to not to worry as everything would be alright. My sons started searching about a better and safe alternative to dialysis on the internet and I also talked to some of close people in my contact. I landed nowhere with the discussion my problem but one of my sons’ got succeeded in finding a safe and better alternative to dialysis, that was Ayurveda. karma ayurveda fake fraud feedback

He was so excited and showed us many websites’ pages where there were mentioned that Ayurveda can cure kidney problems forever. We all were happy to see that. But another challenge was to find the best hospital for kidney diseases; when we discuss about it my son told me that he can do that so no one needs to worry.  "Karma Ayurveda Patient Rupesh Bhaghel Gandhinagar, Gujarat Review, Dr. Puneet Dhawan".

After few days of search, he told us that he had cross the hurdle as well and told us about Karma Ayurveda. After some more discussion, we all decided to contact this Ayurvedic hospital and thus I arrived Karma Ayurveda with my sons. 

"Karma Ayurveda Patient Rupesh Bhaghel Gandhinagar, Gujarat Review | Dr. Puneet Dhawan"

We met Dr. Puneet Dhawan there as he was the doctor under whom my treatment was to be done. He made us understand about the disease and also his treatment. We were satisfied and happy the way he explained the effect of his Ayurvedic treatment on my body. Thus, I started following Karma Ayurveda’s treatment and soon it showed its effect. Dr Puneet Dhawan Kidney Specialist Reviews

I continued the treatment for months and thus got permanent relief from all my complications, I was dealing with. Afterward, I was feeling more energetic and healthy. And my life was back on track; all the credit goes to Karma Ayurveda. "Karma Ayurveda Patient Rupesh Bhaghel Gandhinagar, Gujarat Review, Dr. Puneet Dhawan".

Now, I am living a healthy life. This was my journey, I hope your aim of finding the best kidney disease cure fulfilled after reading this post. Stay Healthy and Stay happy to make a prosperous society. 


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