Which herbs are best for your kidney's health? | Dr. Puneet Dhawan


best kidney treatment herb

We all are familiar with the imperativeness of kidneys in our life. They are vital for keeping our blood and body free from wastes and toxins. Also, they form hormones crucial in the production of red blood cells and to prevent hypertension. A considerable amount of the population takes supplements to improve kidney functioning. Unfortunately, these artificial supplements are geared towards kidney disease or have the potential to damage the kidney. karma ayurveda scam fake fraud

So, be aware of what things are best for your kidney's health? 

In this blog, we have highlighted the best herbs for kidney health. These herbs are natural and free from severe complications. But, before taking any herb or herbal supplement, we recommend: 

1. Consult your doctor, dietician, pharmacist, or product manufacturer regarding the safety, dosage, duration of use, etc. 

2. Use herbal extracts that are made by reputable companies. 

3. Never take dosage more than your prescription. 

4. Do not use herbal remedies if you have kidney disease. 

5. Do not use herbs if you are pregnant. 

6. Consult Dr. Puneet Dhawan for your kidney disease and know how you can naturally heal your kidneys? 

Now, let's move on to the best herbs for kidney health. 

  1. Bindii, Tribulus Terrestris is a member of the caltrop family. In the Hindi language, it is known as गोखरू. This herb has marked an indelible name as one of the best herbs for kidney health. Yes, its nature is warm, and it's more effective in winter. This herb improves our kidney function in many ways, such as deplete creatinine level, improve the urinary tract system, cure swelling, prevent UTI, and excrete kidney stones. karma ayurveda consumer complaints

  2. Giloy or गिलोय is considered as Amrit due to its nutritional properties. It's helpful for diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, fever, blood infection, skin problems, UTI, dengue, malaria, etc.., patient. Yes, we know that it tastes bitter, but it has everything to detox our kidney and the other vital organs. 

  3. पुनर्नवा or Purnava is made up of two words - पुन and र्नवा means again and new. This herb for kidney health works without causing any daunting complications. It not only detox the renal system but prevents the risk of infections that can damage the kidney. 

That is it for this blog. 

You can use these three herbs for kidney health, but only if you do not have kidney disease. A kidney patient's diet and medicines are curated according to his disease exacerbation and body condition. dr puneet dhawan kidney specialist reviews

For complete kidney disease remission, you can adopt Ayurvedic treatment and contact Dr. Puneet Dhawan. Do not worry; his treatment is 100% natural and free from dialysis and renal replacement therapy like daunting procedures.


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