Kidney Failure Ayurvedic Treatment, Karma Ayurveda | Dr. Puneet Dhawan


Kidney Failure :

Can Ayurveda offer the desired result in kidney failure? 

If your kidneys are no longer able to filter and clean blood, an unusual amount of waste and fluid starts accumulating in the blood. When these complications take their severe form, they may progress to kidney failure eventually. Kidney failure is the final condition of all kidney problems where your kidneys become entirely incapable of performing their functions. Ayurvedic treatment helps to reverse this problem entirely as well as its complications. puneet dhawan karma ayurveda review


We all know, kidneys are two major body organs that act as filtering section of the body as they clear out excess waste, toxins, and unnecessary fluid from your blood. Additionally, kidneys do several tasks for your body that ensure smooth body functionality. These organs are a collection of a million nephron each which are generally the tiny filters in the kidneys. So, a kidney is not a single filter but a group of many small filters that help to do filtering work.

How your kidneys function may get impaired? 

In general, kidneys are naturally capable of performing all their functions smoothly. But when they get any infection, injury, or excess workload, kidneys may fall ill. There is a wonderful fact about kidneys as they work efficiently even in their diseased condition. That’s why detecting a kidney problem is challenging as they cause symptoms when they are almost 80-90 percent damaged.

Apart from that, any heart problem, diabetes, high blood pressure, urinary tract infection can also cause your kidneys to get damaged. When any of the kidney diseases go undetected or untreated for longer, the condition for kidney failure may take place.                   

  Similar to other health problems, prevention is better than cure in kidney diseases especially kidney failure as well. Treating kidney failure is a tough task.

How to cure kidney failure? 

Different healing methods have different ways of healing to cure kidney failure. Let's take a deep insight into two treatment methods that are used to cure kidney failure. karma ayurveda kidney patient review


Modern healing treatment for kidney failure 

The modern healing treatment method uses chemical or drug-based medicines and advanced healing therapies that may seem beneficial for your health initially. But whenever, this treatment is taken into use for a long period, it can leave many side-effects on your health.

If it comes to its working phenomenon, the Allopathic healing method focuses on the complications of the disease and tries to eliminate them with the help of drug or chemical-based medicines, some complicated healing therapies, and sometimes surgery. Surgery is used to remove the damaged section of an organ to prevent any further damage or slow down the damage.

In kidney failure, this treatment system applies therapies such as dialysis and kidney transplant with some medicines to eliminate or you can say suppress complications. This modern healing treatment doesn’t even take a look at the core causes of kidney failure. If a patient requires frequent dialysis within a short time, then he is recommended to find a donor for kidney transplantation. Kidney transplant is the most complicated healing procedure which has many side-effects. Consequently, Allopathy can’t be considered as the best cure for kidney failure. karma ayurveda fake fraud kidney treatment

Ancient healing approach for kidney failure 

On the other hand, if we do a deep analysis of ancient healing treatment science, we’ll see it offers a better cure as compared to conventional healing systems. Ayurveda is also referred to as natural healing science as it utilizes only natural herbs and healing therapies that are free from any chemical or drug composition thus it’s totally safe and hazard-free.

When we look at its healing phenomenon, it mainly emphasizes upon curing the root causes or origin of a disease, simultaneously, it also works on the complications. In short, Ayurvedic treatment works in several ways on your body to offer you permanent relief. This natural healing science has also the ability to restore the damaged organs and make them healthy again. This natural treatment stimulates the overall body functions by using natural herbs, therapies, and some lifestyle changes.

In a kidney failure cure, this natural treatment applies its healing system that helps reducing kidney complications and also reviving your kidney health. As a result, Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is the most effective healing science that not only relieves kidney complications but also makes your kidneys healthy again so that they can carry out their natural functions efficiently.

In a nutshell, Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure makes your kidneys healthy again without leaving any negative impact on your health. karma ayurveda consumer review and complaints


If you are looking for a permanent, and risk-free cure for kidney failure, you can choose the best Ayurvedic kidney failure hospital. dr puneet dhawa


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